Wednesday 27 February 2013

Is this real life?! Or just Facebook?!

Hmm...Facebook, why are you asking me if I know my pending friend requests outside of Facebook after I have responded to their request with a confirmation?! Why would I confirm them if I didn't?! Unless maybe they were really attractive randoms but still?! Do you get more points for the friends you know in real life...does it bump up your Facebook cred?! What is real life these days...peeps walkin around aimlessly with their faces buried in their smart phone tweeting slang, abbreviations, and hashtaggin nonsense?! It's fun...I get it...but does your vocabulary consist of anything not on Urban Dictionary?! What is "ur"? You're or your? Does it belong to you or are you it?! Can you even hand write your name anymore?!

Monday 25 February 2013

Wherefore art thou Pokeo?!

It's been so long since I've received a "poke"...I'm not sure if I even remember how to do it anymore! It's been so long I think Facebook has even forgotten my sexual preference as all my "poke suggestions" are dudes! Facebook has now started to "poke" block me when I try to bring it back...saying